Getting ready for the EU Battery Regulation: What every fleet operator, energy storage supplier and manufacturer needs to know

Time: 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm
Date: October 1, 2024

Theatre: Room Three


  • From February 2024, all batteries being placed on the EU market are subject to the EU Battery Regulation, which has set a new standard for safe and sustainable batteries. In this session, we’ll focus on what these new standards are and what it means for companies across the battery value chain including OEMs, fleet operators, and energy storage suppliers.
  • What are the core sustainability requirements in the EU Battery Regulation and how are these requirements pushing for greater engagement across the supply chain?
  • What do automotive OEMs and battery manufacturers need to know about these new requirements?
  • How can fleet operators and energy storage companies ensure their suppliers stay ahead of the regulation’s timeline to avoid project and supply chain delays?

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